

  • I am a

Register Agency Account

Agency Name-For Landlords: enter the name of the agency that referred you.
For Agencies: enter the name of your agency.

Agency Code-enter the 6 digit code obtained from the authorized agency supervisor

To meet the required security level, your password must be between 6 - 12 characters long and include at least 3 of the following character types:

  • English alphabet uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • English alphabet lowercase letter (a-z)
  • Decimal digit number (0-9)
  • Special characters such as ~! @#$%^&*_


Tenant ID#-This is the 12 digit number assigned to the tenant when the account was created.
Created on-This is the date the account was approved by administrators.
Type-Enter the type of tenant account, F=Family, I=Individual, S=Senior.
Housed-Has the tenant signed a shared housing rental agreement and moved into a new unit? Y=Yes, N=No.
Date Housed-Enter the date when the tenant became housed and moved into a new unit.
Follow Up-Is there going to be a follow up meeting with the tenant to see if they are stabilized in their housing in 3-6months? Y=Yes, N=No
Survey-Will the tenant agree to take an anonymous survey in 6 months from the date they were housed? Y=Yes, N=No


Tenant First Name- Enter your first name.


Tenant Email- Enter the email address you used to get your background check report.


Type- Enter your type of household, “Family” (with dependents under age 18), “Individual” (no

children), or “Senior” (over age 65).

Race- Enter your race or leave it blank.


Gender- Enter what gender you identify with or leave it blank.


Sexual Orientation- Enter the sexual orientation you identify as or leave it blank.


Preferred Location- Choose the neighborhood or area that is your first choice to relocate, or

choose “Any location”, if you are flexible.

Maximum Rent Amount- Enter the maximum amount you can pay in monthly rent. Do not

include the dollar sign ($).

Security Deposit? If you can pay a security deposit, enter “Yes”. If you cannot pay a security deposit, enter “No”.


Number rooms- Enter the number of rooms you want to rent.


Move-in Day- Enter the date you will be ready to move. Note: scrolling may change this date.


Children? - If you have children (dependents, under age 18), enter “Yes”. If you do not have children, enter “No”.


Number of children- If you do not have children, leave it blank. If you have children, enter

the number of children in the family.

Gender and ages- If you do not have children, leave it blank. If you have children, enter the gender and age of each child- for more than one child use commas to separate children’s information. (i.e.: girl6, boy4, boy3)


Smoker? If you smoke, enter “Yes”, if you do not smoke, enter “No”


Language Needs? If you need to communicate in a language other than English,

enter “Yes”, if not, enter “No”. If “Yes”- Enter the specific language in the text box.

Any Criminal History? If you have any criminal history in your background check report, enter “Yes”, if you do not, enter “No”.


Any Eviction History? If you have any eviction history in your background check report, enter “Yes”, if you do not, enter “No.”


Information- (Limit text to 120 words): Include information about what living arrangement you are look for and/or important information about yourself. (See Resources Section for information about avoiding discriminatory language in your ad).


Landlord Name- Enter the first name of the contact person.

Landlord email- Enter the email address of the contact person.

Rental Location- Choose the location of the rental property.

Rent Amount- Enter the amount of the monthly rent.

Number of Rooms- Enter the number of bedrooms available.

Date Available- Enter the earliest date the room(s) will become move-in ready.

Utilities Included- Enter “Yes” if the utilities are included with the rent, or “No” if they are not.

1st floor apartment?- Enter “Yes” if the unit is located on the first floor, if not, enter “No”.

Security Deposit?- Enter “Yes” if you require a security deposit, if not, enter “No”

Total Move-In Costs- Enter the total amount required by the tenant(s) to move in to the room(s) for rent. This amount should include first and last months’ rent, security deposit and any additional fees. Use the information section to provide any details, if necessary.

Information- Enter any additional important information about the unit or room(s) for rent such as, if the unit is close to public transportation, the type of heating system, if there are washers and dryers available, if all appliances are included, if pets are allowed, if there are smoking restrictions, if the landlord requires a credit check, the (address) or cross streets of the unit, when it is available to view,  how best to contact the landlord, and if it is wheelchair accessible. Please view the video “How to Post Ads for Landlords” before posting the ad. See the Resources section on the website to view the video.


Your ad has been submitted for administrative approval


My Ads: Click here to view and edit your ads.

Post an Ad: Click here to submit a new ad for approval.

Tenant Search: Enter a full or partial Tenant ID# to verify tenant participation.

Edit personal info: Click here to change any information in your profile.

Change password: Click here to change your password.

Contact Admin: Click here to send an email message to


Tenant ID#-This is the 12 digit number assigned to the tenant when the account was created.

Created on-This is the date the account was approved by administrators.

Type-Enter the type of tenant account, F=Family, I=Individual, S=Senior.

Housed-Has the tenant signed a shared housing rental agreement and moved into a new unit? Y=Yes, N=No

Date Housed-Enter the date when the tenant became housed and moved into a new unit.

Follow Up-Is there going to be a follow up meeting with the tenant to see if they are stabilized in their housing in 3-6months? Y=Yes, N=No

Survey-Will the tenant agree to take an anonymous survey in 6 months from the date they were housed? Y=Yes, N=No


Tenant ID#- the 12 digit Tenant ID# from the HM Assessment form.

Member ID#-the 12 digit Member ID# from the HM Assessment form.

Case Manager Name- the first and last name of the agency representative.

Case Manager Email- the email of the agency representative.

Agency Name- the name of the referring agency.

Agency Code #- the 6 digit code number assigned to the agency, see supervisor.

Reg. Date – enter today’s date as the date to add the new tenant account.

Terms of Service- read by clicking highlighted area and check “I agree” before submitting the new tenant account request.


In-Place ID#- the 12 digit In-Place ID# from the HM Assessment form.

Member ID#-the 12 digit Member ID# from the HM Assessment form.

Case Manager Name- the first and last name of the agency representative.

Case Manager Email- the email of the agency representative.

Agency Name- the name of the referring agency.

Agency Code #- the 6 digit code number assigned to the agency, see supervisor.

Reg. Date – enter today’s date as the date to add the new tenant account.

Terms of Service- read by clicking highlighted area and check “I agree” before submitting the new tenant account request.


In-Place First Name- Enter the first name of the person with a room for rent.


In-Place Email- Enter the email address you used to get your background check report.


Type- Enter your type of household, “Family” (with dependents under age 18), “Individual” (no

children), or “Senior” (over age 65).

Race- Enter the race of the person posting the ad or leave it blank.


Gender- Enter what gender you identifies as or leave it blank.


Children? - If you have children (dependents, under age 18), enter “Yes”. If you do not have children, enter “No”.


Number of children- If you do not have children, leave it blank. If you have children, enter

the number of children in the family.

Gender and ages- If you do not have children, leave it blank. If you have children, enter the gender and age of each child- for more than one child use commas to separate children’s information. (i.e.: girl6, boy4, boy3)


Landlord First Name- Enter the first name of the landlord or property owner of the rental.


Landlord Email- Enter the landlord’s email address.


Rental Location- Select the neighborhood or area where the rental is located.


Rent Amount- Enter the total monthly rent amount for the room(s) for rent.


Number of Rooms- Enter the number of rooms available for rent.


Date Available- Enter the date the room(s) will be available for a new tenant to move in.


Total Move-In costs- Enter the total dollar amount to move into the rental, which may include first and last month’s rent, security deposit, and any fees.


Utilities Included?  Are any utilities (such as electricity, gas, or internet) included in the monthly rent amount, Enter “Yes” or “No”.


First floor apartment? Is the apartment located on the first floor? Enter “Yes” or “No”.


Security Deposit? Is a security deposit required to move into the unit? Enter “Yes” or “No” in


Smoker? If you smoke, enter “Yes”, if you do not smoke, enter “No”


Language Needs? If you need to communicate in a language other than English,

enter “Yes”, if not, enter “No”. If “Yes”- Enter the specific language in the text box.

Any Criminal History? If you have any criminal history in your background check report, enter “Yes”, if you do not, enter “No”.


Any Eviction History? If you have any eviction history in your background check report, enter “Yes”, if you do not, enter “No.”


Information- (Limit text to 120 words): Include information about what living arrangement you are look for and/or important information about yourself. (See Resources Section for information about avoiding discriminatory language in your ad).


My Ad: Click the pencil icon to edit the ad. The information that cannot be changed is the Tenant ID#, Tenant Email, Gender and ages of children, and the information text box. Contact your worker if you need to edit any of this information.

Search Ads: Search Ads allows you to search and sort ads.

View Ads:  The entire ad can be viewed by clicking “View More”.

Send Messages to users by clicking “Send Message” at the bottom of the ad.

Sort Ads by Housing Type, Tenant Type, Gender, Language Needs, Preferred Location, Rent Amount, Number of Bedrooms, and Move-In Day.

Keyword Search: Enter a name, email or ID# to search for specific ads.

Personal Information: Personal information is not editable, contact your caseworker to change any personal information.

Change Password: To change your password, first enter your old password in the text box.

Contact Admin: To send an email to the website administrators, click this link.