

How It Works

HousingMatch.org is a nonprofit, membership-based, private, online community . It is designed by social workers, housing advocates, and homelessness prevention specialist with years of experience working with vulnerable people like low-income families, the elderly and disabled. It was designed to provide added security, privacy, and supports that no other corporate, for profit, matching services provides today on the internet.


Our Vision

HousingMatch.org brings back the oldest form of networking on the planet- communities supporting communities. Shared housing is not new. People have been sharing housing, childcare, household chores and thriving in extended shared housing networks for ages. These are difficult times. With more budget cuts, fewer services are available and our children are the first to suffer. Our vision is to provide a safe, affordable, long term solution to the current housing crisis with supported shared housing arrangements by networking agencies, families and individuals.


Our Mission

HousingMatch.org is formed in response to a growing problem in our country-homelessness. Because there is so little affordable housing and dwindling public and subsidized housing opportunities, we need to look to each other for support if we are going to provide everyone with the safe, clean, healthy homes we deserve.

Our mission is to provide a network for families and individuals to share housing; obtain resources and services; secure healthy, safe, affordable homes; and reduce homelessness.

Our Team

Board of  Directors

Dolores Beliso


Housing Advocate, Medical Case Manager

Myra Ackerman


Licensed Social Worker and Therapist

Emily Lamica


Special Education ParaDirector

Stephen Fulton


Director of Stabilization, Department of Housing and Community Development

Helen Nichols

Family Support Specialist

Massachusetts State Emergency Shelter Commission

People Sharing Housing is Good for Children, Parents, and the Elderly.